Wednesday 25 November 2009

Story Board overview (Torin)

Settings: City Centre
Band room

Strange effect replicating the tone at the beginning of the song. (Puddles etc. not sure which effect yet!)

(8 seconds) Shot of a room, instruments sitting ready - Blurred effect + black and white.

(13 seconds) Band appears in time to music and are seen playing + singing.1st member appears, then second and finally third. Mid shot/ close ups.

(23 seconds) Shot of the girl walking through a park/rural landscape, trees in the background etc.

(48 seconds) Band plays music and appear in time to "Show your rage."

(1.03) In time to "Oh oh." Close up and side shot of girl walking and then sitting down. She then gets up and begins to walk and time gradually speeds up.

(1.13) ?

(1.25) "She is it.(x4)" close up of girl. 4 different views changing in time to the music.

(1.29) "Second to second" Shot of clock and hands speeding up. Time moving faster!

(1.43) Shot of the girl walking towards another guy and hugging. 1 of the band members can be seen watching from afar.

(1.54) Band member singing and the girls face then fades through.

(2.08) Girl and band member arguing. Girl then pushes him away.

(2.25) "Sun is up." Few nature shits + shot of sun.

(2.35)Shot 10 and 12 repeated in reverse.

(2.52 +) final "Sun is up" is heard. band stops playing... fade.

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