Friday 27 November 2009

dAN's overview

First 12 seconds of 25 second intro.

Looking down onto motorway from a height. Scene is at night/dawn. Shot is light trails from cars. At 9/10 seconds, the camera turns to the left to see guy (who shall be known as Tony.)

Last 13 seconds of the 25 second intro.

Tony is seen walking over the bridge, briefly looks down onto the motorway. Clip is slightly sped up with jumps in Tony walking towards camera.

0.25 - 0.31 seconds:

Climb up, Climb up, Climb up to the top,

There’s got to be something hidden up here

The camera is at a low angle, looking up at Tony’s chin/face. Looking around from side to side though not too quickly as clip again will be sped up.

0.31 - 0.37 seconds:

Come out, Come out, Come out of the house

After all these years you’re still stuck cold.

Camera looking directly down at feet walking along street. Clip sped up again at same rate as previous.

0.37 - 0.43 seconds:

Out out there in the back yard it’s bright

With all sorts of things that just seem to fit right

Camera still looking at shoes, still walking. Tony lifts his wrist to check his watch. Hands on watch are normal briefly then change, hands on watch start turning round and round.

0.43 - 0.50 seconds:

You’ve broken all your pieces in a fit of rage

Show your rage, show your rage, show your rage show your rage.

Tony’s hand hits watch and shakes his wrist as though trying to get the watch off. When watch comes back into view, time is back to normal. (If this doesn’t fill the 7 second gap required then brief shot of Tony’s face/chin as before.)

0.50 - 0.57 seconds:

How long, How long are you gonna hide from the cold it’s so beautiful out here and,

Camera looks at people waking past, most will not look at Tony, but a few will acknowledge him. Shots will be from neck/chest up. Clip again sped up.

0.57 - 1.03 seconds:

There’s all sort of things to do and things to see and things to care about

A follow on from the clip above. One of the faces he sees is a girl. She is one who acknowledges him and smiles. Camera turns around to watch girl walk away who glances back over her shoulder, smiling again. Clip sped up.

1.03 - 1.10 seconds:

How long, How long are you gonna hide from the cold it’s so beautiful out here and,

Camera turns away from girl and rest on couple sitting on bench together, arms around each other. Camera still walking, clip sped up.

1.10 - 1.16 seconds:

There’s all sorts of things to do and

Things to see and things to love

Turns away from couple on bench and looks down at pavement again with shoes walking. Into view comes another set of shoes - a girls shoes.

1.16 - 1.22 seconds:

On a blind date we procreate, lets celebrate with a dinner party

Camera slowly moves up girl’s body and comes to rest at her face. Looks straight into camera and smiles. Inclines head backwards, suggesting that they walk away. Camera at normal speed.

1.22 - 1.28 seconds:

And fall in love with the first girl you kiss,

She is it, she is it, she is it, she is it.

Camera looks down and girl has hand outstretched (girl shall be known as Tanya). Tony takes Tanya’s hand. Side shot of girl walking and talking, looking straight ahead, though occasionally glancing at camera. Clips back to normal speed.

1.28 - 1.35 seconds:

Second to second, minute to minute, hour by hour and day by day.

Lying on ground, hands behind head, staring into sky, smiling and laughing. Cuts between shots of looking sideways at each other.

1.35- 1.41 seconds:

It’s death to the living and insult to the brave

A smack to intelligence a step to the grave.

Couple holding hands, walking away from camera, clip slowed down

1.41 - 1.48 seconds:

How long, How long are you gonna hide from the cold its so beautiful out here and,

As a follow on from previous lyrics, starts with bright white light than a band in view with camera concentrating on lead singer.

1.48 - 1.54 seconds

There’s all sorts of things to do and things to see and things to care about.

Shot of drummer/guitarist playing in time with the beat (singing into microphone).

1.54 - 2.04 seconds:

How long, How long are you gonna hide from the cold it’s so beautiful out here and,

Here we see the whole band playing their instruments, all singing into their own microphones.

2.04 - 2.10 seconds:

The sun is always shining a light, shining a light, shining a light.

Shot of the sun rising and setting in the sky, cars and people in bottom of the screen.

Remaining 57 seconds of song, 12 seconds of no words and 45 seconds of ‘and the sun is out’

More shots of the band playing with close ups of the musicians playing their instruments, singing along to the song, mixed in together with the couple walking around together - holding hands etc.

Final 4 seconds, the final shot.

Camera now focuses on the couple, Tony and Tanya sitting together on a bench. Clip is slowed down, Tony has his arm around Tanya. At roughly the same time they turn around to look t each other and smile. Scene fades out with camera moving upwards to look at sky, fading into white/black.

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