Monday 23 November 2009

Hide From the Cold- Chris' Storyboard Overview.

The Jane Bradfords- Hide from the Cold.

Chris’ Version Overview.

- Set in the town of Belfast, which is in complete black and white, a girl in complete colour skips and dances around, with everything she interacts with turning to colour.

- As grumpy, boring people walk with their head down, she smiles at them and/or hugs them and as they watch on in bewilderment, their looks of horror turn into smiles as they turn into colour themselves.

- At one point she is at a coffee house, and after the depressed-looking waitress serves her, the girl beams at her and gives her a tip, to which the waitress walks away, startled, but begins to smile as she turns into colour.

- The girl picks up the coffee and takes a sip, closing her eyes as she savours the taste, and we see a shot of the coffee turning to colour.

- The girl is then seen in a clothes store walking jovially around and running her fingers along the clothes in the rack, which promptly turn to colour upon being touched.

- She takes black and white clothes into the dressing room and comes out with them on, in full colour.

- She does this with a few outfits, looking herself excitedly in the mirror as she checks out each of her outfits.

- Cut to a close up shot of her walking, skipping and twirling around as she crosses a bridge, happily singing the lyrics to the chorus of the song.

- It shows the water under the bridge turning to colour as she passes it.

- Cut to a shop of the Albert Clock ticking away. First it is slow, then it begins to speed up, then go backwards, until it is completely out of control and turns to colour!

- Shot of her getting on the Belfast Eye. Her pod colours up. Shot of her looking out happily at all of Belfast from the Belfast --

- Eye too see random streams of colour in the still-predominantly black and white city.

- Long shot of the Belfast eye spinning faster and faster and changing colours shagadelically!

- She is now in Victoria Square, and as she dances and skips about, whomever she passes watches on in horror, before appearing amused- everything she passes turns to colour.

- An amusing long shot of her walking up the spiraling Vic. Square staircase, as colour follows her.

- As she goes, a black and white guy comes up to her and attempts to chat her up. She looks at him amusedly, before laughing and gently pushing him away by the face and walking on.

- The guy is shocked and startled, but a smile slowly comes across his face as he turns to colour and laughs.

- She reaches the top and spins around as the glass roof in the background changes colours groovily.

- She looks over the edge and sees what is below her, predominantly in colour!

- Another shot of her in the city centre, spinning around euphorically as her background is groovily changing colours and the camera suddenly spins faster and faster.

- The camera slowly stops spinning to see the girl, now calmly walking away, into the distance.

- A final shot of Belfast, the people happy and in colour, as the camera fades to a smiling shot of the girl’s face, then to black.

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