Monday 23 November 2009


The song we will be using for our project is Hide from the cold by The Jane bradfords. I think that the beginning of the song is one of the most interesting parts and could be useful for our video if portrayed correctly. I think the beginning sets the free-flowing rhythm heard throughout. In my opinion the lyrics contrasts to the actual tone. words like "Show your rage" contrast to the upbeat tone, this is something I will try and express in my storyboard.

My video plan is quite simple and tries to reflect the tone of the song moving from shots of the band to the "Story line." By using relevant effects and other editing techniques I think the video will be a success.

I have had many inspirations during the planning process and here are a few examples.

I think the shots of the band in this video are quite good and makes the band seem more interesting, rather than just standing playing their instruments. I would like to try and do something original like this in the shots of the band.

Torin Kerr

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