Monday 21 December 2009


Shot starts off with a boy (known as Tony) walking down the street, head bent down, hands in pockets, earphones in ears. Street is empty apart from him. He stops and lifts his ipod out, camera looking at ipod screen so we can see what song he chooses. Selects Jane Bradfords, Hide From The Cold. Once the play button is hit, Hide From The Cold starts playing.
Camera goes back to the original shot of Tony walking down street, except in the background a black convertible pulls out of a side street and drives up behind him.
Once the black car is behind him, three band members sit up out of the car - a singer, a drummer and a guitarist. They all get set up, ready to perform, then they all start playing on cue. The guitarist and drummer sit up on the back of the car, while the singer looks up over the windscreen. The first shot of the band is a side shot of the car travelling down the street, camera goes into a close up of the lead singer hanging (safely) out the side of the car singing the first two lines of the song. The next two lines are again shot from the side except from more of a distance so that Tony is in the frame.
Singer who is hanging out the side of the car (still safely) turns away and now faces the camera looking at the car straight on. Shot is a mid-shot so that only the band are in view. 5th and 6th line of the song has been sung. Last two lines are from more of a distance, because now a small group of 4/5 people have formed and are following the car. The last line ‘show your rage’ x4, the singer throws his arm up in the air in time with the music.

The chorus ‘How long…’ involves individual shots of the band, the guitarist, drummer and singer. These individual shots will be mixed up with shots of two people performing together. Camera goes back to lead singer at ‘How long…’. The last line of the chorus – ‘There’s all sorts of things…’ goes back to the shot of the car from a distance except now the crowd has grown and got noticeably bigger.

The second verse ‘On a blind date…’ starts off with shots of people in fancy dress, people carrying balloons, faces painted etc. They all mingle in with the ever growing crowd. The people with balloons hand them out to people around them. Camera goes back to shot of Tony, the car and the crowd.

The second chorus starts with a side shot of the car, again band members hanging (safely) out the side of the car, then cut to the other side of the car where the band move over to be seen. Back to the shot of looking down at car, crowd and Tony.
When song gets to ‘The sun…’ everyone except Tony raises their right hand in the air, and when that line finishes they all start clapping for 6seconds and then sway for 6seconds.
When ‘The sun is out…’ starts to be sung, everyone except Tony raises their left hand in the air, holds it for a few seconds then brings their right hand up and again start to clap and again start to sway. Cuts back to shots of the band, all mixed in together. When song finishes, band sit down in seats and crowd runs away to left and right leaving the street clear again except for Tony and the car. Once all members of the crowd are away and band back in car, car accelerates past Tony who looks around at and empty street as if nothing had happened when in fact the greatest music video ever had just happened.

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