Wednesday 9 December 2009

Audience and Market Research

Wikipedia stated - "Originally a bedroom solo project by DJ/musician Declan Gallen, they became a proper 4-piece band in 2006 when Ted Caldwell (drums), Johnny Farry (bass/guitar) and David Frecknall (lead guitar) joined with Gallen on lead vocals and guitar. In early 2009 Stuart Bell and Ruairi Dempsey joined the Jane Bradfords on a casual basis. David Frecknall left the Jane Bradfords in November 2009 to pursue other interests.

The band were named after the lead character in the 1930s B-movie The Pace That Kills and reference the film in some songs.

They have been championed on BBC Radio 1 by Huw Stephens and Colin Murray. They performed a Maida Vale live session for Radio 1 in January 2007. The group have played support to Maxïmo Park, Cold War Kids, The National, Peter Bjorn and John, LCD Soundsystem, CSS and DeVotchka, emphasising the band's indie-electro crossover appeal."

Last Fm described The Jane Bradfords as - "difficult to pigeonhole into a genre; on the surface they’re Indie, but elements of Pop, Electro and even post punk are all in the mix. There’s the nonchalant swagger of The National, the driving, tight Peter Hook style bass and at times the euphoric hosannas of Arcade Fire, but they have a defiantly unique sound." They are a very unique band and because their music contains so many elements of different genres they are widely accepted by many different social groups.

Of course their main appeal goes to the Indie lovers, but as Last Fm described, people who enjoy pop and electro music may also enjoy The Jane Bradfords. For me I can't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy their music! They are similar to more well known bands such as Arcade fire and Fighting with wire and fans of such bands will definitely appreciate The Jane Bradfords work.

They seem to be a more "Old fashioned" band in that they rely on word of mouth and gigs in promoting their music, rather than more mainstream methods i.e top radio station plays and TV. For me this gives the band a better connection with the fans and is how music should be. Free downloads from is also a way of rewarding the fans and persuading them to support the band through concert ticket sales etc.

Myspace seems to be used well by the Jane Bradfords, this is how they let the fans know of tour dates and gigs. It also lets them listen to their music and post videos, which will let the fans get to know them more. With the band messaging their fans and posting pictures simply underlines how close the band are to their fans (compared to mainstream bands like The Killers who may lack this closeness.)

The Jane Bradfords have as of yet declined to be signed by a label, with founder Declan Gallen citing that there wasn't anything that a record label could do that they couldn't do themselves, and they chose to remain the controllers of their own music.

The Jane Bradford's show a great deal of intelligence and shrewdness in their determination to get their music heard despite the lack of financial resources and corporate backing makes them one of the most publicly relatable and original bands of this generation, making them also one of the most beloved among their faithful cult following, who can truly lay claim to being true supporters of this unsigned band.

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