Friday 19 February 2010

First Shooting Day.

Tuesday 16th February 2010.

Chris and Torin met with the actress Emma Dawson at location at 6.30pm, and shot footage until 11.00pm.

- Her apartment in Botanic Avenue.

Props Brought:
- Guitar
- 1 large mirror and 2 small mirrors.
- Hooded Figure costumes.
- Camera
- Tripod.

What we used:
- Guitar
- 4 mirrors
- Camera
- Hundreds of candles

- Low camera battery at start.
Solution - Had to film alot of it while on charge, or leave it to charge for spaces of time.

- Tripod was missing a piece so we couldn't attach the camera to it (AKA couldn't use it.)
Solution - We hand-held the camera.

- Lighting was sometimes too dark as we relied on the camera-lit effect.
Solution - We carried around an aimed lamp and positioned it out of the shot on the actors when needed.

What we accomplished:
- Completed opening argument scene.
- Set up the music video story.
- Got a true sense of the style of the video - self-image with frequent, dark uses of mirrors.
- Got many of the negative flashbacks of the girl.
- Acquired many of the boyfriend apartment shots for during the song.

What we still need to do:
- Positive flashbacks of the girl and boyfriend.
- Establishment of the hooded figure characters.
- The park 'walking' scenes with the girl and the hooded figures.
- Separate 'haunting' shots of each hooded figure with her.
- Conclusion where the girl sees sense and returns to apartment to reconcile with bf.
- Scenes with hooded figures with boyfriend in apartment, including where he defaces the mirror.
- Ending where girl returns home followed by white hooded figure to see the message on the mirror.
- Where guy is on street followed by black hooded figure.
- POSSIBLY more apartment shots of the boyfriend.

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