Tuesday 23 February 2010

Final Shooting Day!

Monday 22nd February 2010.

Chris and Torin met with the actresses Emma and Amy Dawson at location at 7.45pm, and shot footage until 11.00pm.

- Emma's apartment in Botanic Avenue.
- Prince Edward Street in Stranmillis.

Props Brought:
- Guitar
- 1 large mirror and 2 small mirrors.
- Hooded Figure costumes.
- Camera
- Tripod.

What we used:
- Guitar
- Shoulderbag
- 4 mirrors
- Camera
- Tripod
- Lipstick
- Candles

- We had to find an actor to play the black hooded figure that day.
Solution - Emma's sister Amy volunteered and did really well.

- The candles we used on the first day were mostly burned out, making continuity hard.
Solution - We salvaged what working candles we could and made up for what was burned out with tactical camera angles.

- We wanted to get a POV shot from the make-up's perspective with the candle in front of it but couldn't get the camera that low.
Solution - Torin held the candle up while Emma filmed it!

- We had to brainstorm on what angles we were going to do for the defacing of the mirror so the message wasn't seen.
Solution - We placed see-through plastic paper in front of the camera and wrote on it to give the impression of a POV from the mirror's perspective.

- In a shot with Emma coming up the stairs, Torin's (AKA the white hooded guy's) dark trousers would have been seen.
Solution - We had him kneel down for the shot!

- We had a hard time thinking of a well-lit yet semi-empty street to use for the walking street shots.
Solution - We drove to Prince Edward Street in Stranmillis where Emma and Amy's mum lives.

- During the walking street shots, cars kept coming past.
Solution - We had to shoot quickly and time it right.

What we accomplished:
- The street 'walking' scenes with the girl and both the hooded figures.
- Conclusion where the girl sees sense and returns to apartment to her bf followed by white hooded figure.
- Scenes with hooded figures with boyfriend in apartment, including where he defaces the mirror.
- Ending where girl returns home followed by white hooded figure to see the message on the mirror.
- Where guy is on street followed by black hooded figure.

What we still need to do:
- Nothing, Finito!!

Monday 22 February 2010

Second Shooting Day

Saturday 20th February 2010.

We met with the actress Emma Dawson at location at 12.00pm, and shot footage until 3.00pm.

Botanic Gardens

Props Brought:
- 2 small mirrors.
- Hooded Figure costumes.
- Camera
- Tripod.

- We couldn't tell if the sunlight was too bright for the camera.
Solution - In the end it wasn't, it picked it up fine.

- Ground was wet, so we couldn't do 'picnic' style flashbacks and was hard to do ground shots.
Solution - We compensated for the 'picnic' shots with other playful shots and bared the wetness for the ground shots.

- Interested people stopped alot and enquired as to what we were doing.
Solution - We told them in a cheerful way with added hint of 'and we have to get a lot done'.

- A creepy Asian guy dandered around near us and stopped to punch a nearby tree continuously.
Solution - We tried not to look directly at him and carry on filming all the while watching our stuff out of the corner of our eyes.

What we accomplished:
- Completed positive flashbacks.
- Completed negative flashbacks.
- Completed individual hooded figure 'haunting' shots.
- Completed walking shots with the couple and contrasting 'alone' shots of the girl.
- Got some artistic mirror-themed shots.

What we still need to do:
- The street 'walking' scenes with the girl and the hooded figures.
- Conclusion where the girl sees sense and returns to apartment to her bf followed by white hooded figure.
- Scenes with hooded figures with boyfriend in apartment, including where he defaces the mirror.
- Ending where girl returns home followed by white hooded figure to see the message on the mirror.
- Where guy is on street followed by black hooded figure.

Friday 19 February 2010

First Shooting Day.

Tuesday 16th February 2010.

Chris and Torin met with the actress Emma Dawson at location at 6.30pm, and shot footage until 11.00pm.

- Her apartment in Botanic Avenue.

Props Brought:
- Guitar
- 1 large mirror and 2 small mirrors.
- Hooded Figure costumes.
- Camera
- Tripod.

What we used:
- Guitar
- 4 mirrors
- Camera
- Hundreds of candles

- Low camera battery at start.
Solution - Had to film alot of it while on charge, or leave it to charge for spaces of time.

- Tripod was missing a piece so we couldn't attach the camera to it (AKA couldn't use it.)
Solution - We hand-held the camera.

- Lighting was sometimes too dark as we relied on the camera-lit effect.
Solution - We carried around an aimed lamp and positioned it out of the shot on the actors when needed.

What we accomplished:
- Completed opening argument scene.
- Set up the music video story.
- Got a true sense of the style of the video - self-image with frequent, dark uses of mirrors.
- Got many of the negative flashbacks of the girl.
- Acquired many of the boyfriend apartment shots for during the song.

What we still need to do:
- Positive flashbacks of the girl and boyfriend.
- Establishment of the hooded figure characters.
- The park 'walking' scenes with the girl and the hooded figures.
- Separate 'haunting' shots of each hooded figure with her.
- Conclusion where the girl sees sense and returns to apartment to reconcile with bf.
- Scenes with hooded figures with boyfriend in apartment, including where he defaces the mirror.
- Ending where girl returns home followed by white hooded figure to see the message on the mirror.
- Where guy is on street followed by black hooded figure.
- POSSIBLY more apartment shots of the boyfriend.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Script for opening.

*Guy is sitting on bed, mumbling words to 'Hide From The Cold' with the guitar.*

*The girl walks in, obviously frustrated, and starts putting on lots of lipstick/etc. The guy looks over.*

James: What're you putting on all that make-up for?

Niomi *snappily*: Cause I'm going out, okay?!

James: ... What's wrong with you?

Niomi: Nothing!

James: So... Where are you going?

Niomi *Looking over at him*: A walk, okay??

*She puts on more and more make-up, as the guy watches. He goes over to her beside the mirror.*

James: Look, why do you think you need all that stuff on your face? You're only going for a walk, and you're beautiful as you are.

Niomi: No I'm not.

James: You are!

Niomi *Turning to him*: Look, stop telling me I'm beautiful when it's obvious I'm not, okay?! Dont lie to me!

*She puts her make-up away and walks towards the door.*

James: Jesus, why are you so negative ALL the time?! Just be happy for once!

*Turning back to him.*

Niomi: No, just stop breathing down my bloody neck. Why should I pretend I'm happy?! If I want to be negative, I'll be negative, alright?

James: It's ruining your life! You're hiding behind all that crap on your face when you'd be more beautiful without it. Just stop hiding! Stop being so negative and just be happy with your own life and what you have, or you'll end up losing it all... You have me, what more do you need?

*Goes over to hug her, but she ends up pushing him away.*

Niomi: Just leave me alone!

*She storms out of the fault, leaving him standing there, shocked. He goes over to the guitar, picks it up, and the song begins.*