Sunday 24 January 2010

Hide From the Cold Overview 2.

Theme: Self-Image.

- Begins in the bedroom of a flat/small house with a young man and woman in it.

- The man is on the bed playing guitar and slowly mumbling the words to the chorus of 'Hide From The Cold'.

- He stops, and looks over at his girlfriend who is applying make-up in the mirror.

- As she looks at herself in the mirror applying her make-up, she looks clearly unhappy.

- The guy looks over.

- The girl looks in the mirror again,and a man in a black robe is behind her, but she doesn't notice.

- The boyfriend gets up and goes over to her, and some dialogue ensues, with him asking her why she thinks she needs to wear all that make-up. She meekly replies 'I need to. I'm going out.' When he asks why, she says she needs to look good in front of her friends.

- As he argues that she's hiding from herself and that who she's trying to be isn't her, she barely listens, but just continues to fix herself, concentrated, in the mirror.

- She finishes, then gets up, grabs her bag and leaves abruptly.

- Guy watches her go, then sinks onto the chair, his face in his hands in frustration. He mutters 'Just... Stop hiding.'

- He then sees the guitar, and picks it up. He takes a breath, then starts playing, but instead of the guitar being heard, the track begins.

- Shot to the woman leaving the house and walking down the steps as the intro plays.

- The camera follows her walking, she is obviously lost in thought.

- Back to the guy as the lyrics begin, singing and playing guitar.

- We see the girl walking again, only with two men, one on either side of her, walking behind her seriously, one in black, one in white (representing shoulder angel and devil.)

- In the house, the guy is then seen walking over to the mirror and looking into it.

- We see the girl walking with just the man in white behind her.

- Flashback of their happy times, the man and woman being together, messing around, laughing, not caring about anyone around them.

- Back to the guy looking in the mirror breifly.

- We then see the girl walking with just the man in black behind her.

- Flashback of unhappy times, her looking herself in the mirror without make-up, nearly in tears. The guy comes over to give her a hug and she walks away, not looking at him.

- In the flashback, the guy looks into the mirror in confusion. His face morphs into him looking into the mirror in present day, looking angrily in the mirror.

- Shots of girl walking with the man in black behind her holding up negative signs such as 'Only beauty is accepted', 'Dont show your ugly truth' etc. are intertwined with shots of general people in general situations looking in mirrors, obviously upset with what they see.

- Back to the guy, who either picks something up and throws it at the mirror, shattering it, all in slow motion OR him finding the girl's make-up and defacing the mirror, maybe writing messages such as 'Beauty is on the inside', etc.

- After this, the girl is seen walking with the man in white behind her holding up upliting messages such as 'Everyone is beautiful' and 'Everybody's pefect, God makes no mistakes', etc. This is intertwined with shots of people being happy, with beautiful settings such as fields, forests etc behind them and being generally happy in life.

- The girl then comes to a crossroads or door, with the man in black standing on one side holding a sign saying 'Acceptance' and the man in white standing on the other side with a sign saying 'Happiness.' She is obviously struggling with what to do.

- The guy is back home, texting her, the message reading 'What will make you happy... Acceptance, or me?'

- The girl gets the text, and reads it. She ponders, and then texts back.

- The guy recieves a message, then looks at it. It reads 'Acceptance.' Shot of the guy looking up, heartbroken.

- Ends with the girl walking the path of the man in black.

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