Friday 29 January 2010

Final Idea!

Our group has had many ideas throughout the past month, after deciding on the idea seen on the storyboard posted previously we have yet again changes our minds and went with a new idea. A rough guide to our music video is also posted below but a few ideas/shots have been changed. Our final sequence of shots are in the storyboard which will be posted shortly!

In short our video will contain two main characters, a boy and a girl (couple) We will be presenting the girls problems, her fight against negativity. Her boyfriends role is to help her cope with these issues and give her a much needed positive outlook on life.

It also contains a black hooded figure who represents evil and a man dressed in white who represents good, our aim is to present these figures as strongly as possible, giving an eerie, sinister and at times even biblical. They are there to symbolise the couples battle with their problems/ joys. The black figure represents the girl's struggle with negativity and insecurity that damages the lives of countless people in the world, and the white figure represents the positive outlook that her boyfriend is initially desperate for her to obtain. Hopefully this is easier to see in the storyboard! And there is of course a twist at the end which helps move away from the traditional "Happily ever after" ending, which represents just how influential other people's positivity AND negativity can be on other people.

Our video will have to keep up with the fast paced, fluid tone of the song so we will be putting in some quick, almost flashing images that will also help push our story-line on and help show the edginess of the couples relationship.

opening = we aimed to have a quick scene of the couple before the music begins. but depending on time we may have to just start straight in and let the music begin immediately.

Opening shot is of the boy lying on his bed gazing upwards while the girl sits at the end of the bed looking across the room.

The girl then gets up and walks towards the mirror (mid-shot)

Camera goes back to boy, he is now sitting up and he reaches for his guitar.

shot of girl looking in the mirror applying make-up, the black figure then appears behind her briefly, she looks down, then up and its gone. She thinks she must be imaging things

Close up of boy playing his guitar and mumbling some of the lyrics.

Guy approaches the girl and she turns round to speak to him. "Why are you dressed like that?" She replies "I have to!" "Where are you going anyway?"

Girl then picks up her bag and leaves (Long-Shot)

Shot of the door slamming

This is just an idea for an intro, if the other shots take up the whole time of the song (which should happen as we have timed them accordingly) but if something goes wrong we will be able to incorporate the shots somewhere else in the video and we will do away with the idea of an intro!)

1.Side shot of girl leaving her house and walking away.

2.This shot continues, she walks out of camera view and the camera then focuses on an ally, where the black hooded figure can be seen standing still.

3.Another shot of boy playing his guitar

4.Back to the shot of the girl walking, this time in the background the white figure is seen sitting down with his arm out.

5.Shot of guy walking towards the mirror in the house, looking suspicious.

6."To the lyrics show your rage" - close up of the girl looking angry with the hooded character closely behind her

7.First flashback = unhappy image. Shot of the couple arguing and possibly being violent, an effect will be used to show it was in the past! Another possibility is showing the girl watching another couple doing this and looking sad, as appose to a cheesy flashback.

8.Back to the future.... shot of guy sitting in on the sofa looking dull, white figure sitting beside him.

9.Second Flashback = happy image, shot of the couple hugging.

10.Close up of the boy looking into the mirror

11.Shot of the girl sitting on a bench in the park, the black figure is seen behind her holding up a sign.

12.Back to the boy, shot of him breaking the mirror angrily.

13.Close-up of the girl, she is now looking happy, the camera goes to a long shot and the man in white is seen behind her with a sign, similar to the shot seen earlier.

14.Shot of guy looking into the mirror, the hooded figure is behind him, and looking at the hooded figure uncertainly.

15.Shot of girl walking home happily, obviously she has chosen to accept herself. Possible change in appearance

16.Ending = 1.The girl walks into the house and sees the broken mirror, reaction shot.

2. A look back at what happened after the boy looked in the mirror that final time with the black hooded figure behind him..... He smiles sadistically and the two became one.

3.Final shot of boy walking away from the house and her....................

4. Boy and girl meet in the street, she goes to hug him, he just doesn't react and walks straight past without acknowledging her!

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